Everytown for Gun Safety

Send a Message: Don’t Let High School Students Carry Handguns with No Training

The Tennessee Legislature is considering a dangerous gun bill that would extend the permitless carry law to 18-20 year olds.

Guns are the leading cause of death for children and teens. Lawmakers need to hear strong opposition to this bill before they vote.

Send the following message urging Tennessee lawmakers to oppose HB 1158 >>

Dear Representative,

As a Tennessee resident, I'm urging you to oppose HB 1158.

If passed, this bill would allow 18 to 20 year olds to lawfully carry a loaded handgun, in public, without a permit.

Teenagers are not mature enough to make the kind of split-second life and death decisions that are required when in possession of a gun. 18, 19, and 20 year olds commit gun homicides at a rate 3 times higher than adults. In Tennessee we are already facing a dramatic increase in gun-caused death, homicides and suicides. This is not the legislation we need to address gun violence in our state.

Please do the right thing and oppose reckless gun bill HB 1158.

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