Do-it-yourself, downloadable guns are incredibly dangerous. And a State Department special exemption would allow a company run by a self-proclaimed anarchist to post its gun blueprints online in the form of files that can be sent directly to a 3D printer to print guns on demand.
If the State Department provides this special exemption it would enable terrorists, convicted felons, and domestic abusers to download schematics online and print their own illegal and untraceable guns. Email Secretary of State Michael Pompeo NOW to urge him to STOP this special exemption.
Dear Secretary Pompeo —
Please stop the release of downloadable files that will allow people, including convicted felons and terrorists, to make untraceable guns on their 3D printers.
Do-it-yourself, downloadable guns are incredibly dangerous. The State Department is planning a special exemption letting the company Defense Distributed release schematics for these guns — information that would enable terrorists, convicted felons and domestic abusers to simply download files online and print their own illegal and untraceable guns. It's unconscionable to allow criminals to print untraceable guns on demand — and Defense Distributed says it will post its plans on August 1.
The State Department can act to prevent this deadly and dangerous outcome. It should not grant this special exemption to endanger the public — and instead should continue to block this deadly information from being published online.