Everytown for Gun Safety

Tell the Plymouth School Committee: Support Secure Storage

The Plymouth School Committee has the opportunity to prevent firearm suicides, unintentional shootings, and school shootings by raising awareness that firearms need to be stored securely and not accessible to Plymouth students.

Add your name to the petition calling on the Plymouth School Committee to require information be sent home to educate parents on securely storing any firearms they own >>

The Plymouth Public Schools must adopt a resolution that would require information on Massachusetts' secure firearm storage law to be sent home with students to educate parents of their responsibility to properly secure any firearms they may have in their homes.

A resolution would help educate the Plymouth community about secure gun storage and ensure they take steps to prevent firearm suicides, unintentional shootings, and school shootings. Over 1,100 American children and teens die by firearm suicide each year and over 100 are unintentionally shot and killed. Additionally, an overwhelming body of evidence indicates that most student school shooters access their firearms from the home of a parent, family member, or friend.

It is crucial that Plymouth Public School parents understand their responsibilities under the law and to the broader community to keep our students safe.

Please adopt a resolution to require information on secure storage and associated state laws be sent home with all students as soon as possible.

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