Everytown for Gun Safety

Minnesota Needs Stronger Gun Laws

In the aftermath of the Parkland, FL mass shooting, Americans have been joining our movement in record numbers to demand action on gun violence from our leaders.

Right here in Minnesota, lawmakers are meeting and discussing which laws they will pursue. While the gun lobby is pulling out all the stops, we need to make sure our leaders hear from concerned constituents like you before they decide what policies they'll put forward.

Send your lawmakers a message TODAY asking them to take meaningful action on gun safety.

As your constituent, I'm calling on you to take immediate action to pass common sense gun legislation that will keep Minnesota's communities safe. The mass shooting in Parkland, FL, once again showed us that current gun safety laws across the country fall short of protecting us from harm.

Right here in Minnesota, we need to pass legislation, like HF 1669, that would close current background check loopholes on gun sales. Background checks are a quick, easy, and widely accepted way to keep individuals with dangerous histories from buying firearms, and are favored by 97% of American voters, including 97% of gun owners nationwide.

Additionally, passing a bill to create Gun Violence Protective Orders, like HF 1605, would empower Minnesotans to take action to prevent gun tragedies before they happen. Families and law enforcement would be able to request Gun Violence Protective Orders to temporarily block a person's access to guns when they post a danger to themselves or others.

I hope you'll vote with gun sense and pass common sense legislation like HF 1669 and HF 1605 that will make Minnesota safer.

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