Everytown for Gun Safety

Sign the Petition: Stop This Shoot First Law in Arizona!

Arizona already has a law that allows people to shoot first and ask questions later, even if they know they can safely and easily walk away.

This new bill would let people shoot and kill someone for minorly damaging their property. An act like graffiti would be punishable by death—and makes property owners the judge, jury, and executioner.

Some lawmakers are attempting to prove how extreme they can be, and make everyday Arizonans pay the price with their lives. Sign the petition to tell Arizona House leadership to vote NO on SB 1650 >>

Dear Representatives,

As Arizona residents, we're urging you to block all attempts to pass a dangerous Shoot First expansion bill, SB 1650.

This bill would let people shoot and kill someone for minorly damaging their property. An act like graffiti would be punishable by death—and makes property owners the judge, jury, and executioner.

We're urging you to reject attempts to embolden armed vigilantism in Arizona. Lawmakers should spend energy reducing gun violence by disarming domestic abusers, not pushing extreme policies that everyday Arizonans don't want. Thank you.

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