West Virginia lawmakers just gaveled into session last week—and they're already considering legislation that would put our communities at greater risk of gun violence.
Right now, West Virginia law gives colleges and universities broad authority to prohibit hidden, loaded guns on campuses. A bill moving through the legislature would gut this law and strip public colleges of their power to restrict where deadly firearms can be carried, with few exceptions.
We know that more guns on campuses won't keep us safe. Tell your state senator and representative: Guns don't belong on college campuses >>
Dear Lawmaker,
As your constituent, I urge you to oppose HB 2633/SB 10, which would largely strip public colleges of their power to restrict where deadly firearms can be carried.
The vast majority of states either prohibit guns on campus or allow colleges to decide for themselves. Research shows that policies that force colleges to allow guns on campuses are likely to lead to more shootings, homicides, suicides, and threats with a firearm. Major stakeholders—from university presidents, to faculty and student leaders, to campus police—oppose this type of legislation.
Our state has the 8th-highest rate of gun violence in the US and firearms are the 2nd-leading cause of death among our children and teens. Our lawmakers should be focused on passing bills that will protect us from existing gun violence—not making it easier to carry guns on a college campus.
Please prioritize the safety of your constituents by voting NO on HB 2633/SB 10.