Two dangerous gun bills in West Virginia would gut gun safety in our state by forcing our colleges and universities to allow guns onto our campuses.
These bills will not make our colleges any safer—instead, research shows that policies like this are likely to lead to more shootings, suicides, homicides, and threats with a firearm.
Send a message telling your WV Senator NOT to bring up SB 246 and SB 570 for a vote >>
Dear Senator,
As your constituent, I urge you NOT to bring SB 246 and SB SB 570 up for a vote.
Our college and university students, faculty, and staff are already dealing with extraordinary challenges to their physical and mental health. SB 246 and SB 570 will only make the problem worse by forcing our public colleges to allow guns on campus.
These bills will NOT make our colleges any safer—instead, research shows that policies like this are likely to lead to more shootings, suicides, homicides, and threats with a firearm. And there is absolutely no evidence to show that policies like this prevent mass shootings.
And this will cost more than we can afford to spend—the implementation of a nearly identical bill last year was projected to cost $11.6 million.
These bills are widely opposed by those who would be most impacted by having guns on our campuses—including college administrators, faculty, staff, and security professionals.
We're all counting on you to do the right thing. Please do not bring SB 246 and SB 570 up for a vote.