This September, Smith & Wesson, the largest gun manufacturer in the United States, opened their new HQ in Tennessee. Why did the company move to Tennessee from Massachusetts? To safeguard its ability to make and sell assault weapons.
The company cited proposed legislation that could have banned it from producing assault weapons in announcing its decision to leave Massachusetts. The company's AR-15s are often the firearm of choice for mass shooters. Smith & Wesson ARs were used in Aurora, San Bernardino, Parkland, Poway, and Highland Park, just to name a few.
And despite being aware of the carnage the company's guns have caused, Smith & Wesson continues to market its AR-15s to minors and young people through advertisements and social media.
Earlier this fall, a group of socially responsible faith-based investors who own shares in Smith & Wesson asked the company through a shareholder proposal—for the 5th year in a row—to conduct a human rights impact assessment. This kind of assessment would look at the company's policies and practices to determine potential and actual human rights risks.
Guns are the number one killer of children, teens, and college-aged youth in America, and gun companies like Smith & Wesson must take responsibility for our safety and prevent more loss of innocent lives.
Add your name to demand Smith & Wesson conduct a thorough human rights impact assessment of its products and STOP marketing guns to kids and teens >>