Everytown for Gun Safety

Add your name: Guns do not belong on our campuses!

Guns are the number one killer of college-aged people in America. We face the threat of gun violence every day. Guns don't belong anywhere near where we sleep, study, and go to sporting events.

Guns simply have no place on any of our college campuses. Campus life is rife with risk factors, including heavy alcohol and drug use and mental health issues. With access to a firearm tripling the risk of suicide, it's reckless to allow guns into dorms or anywhere on campus.

In recent years the gun lobby has pushed for legislation to force guns on college campuses against the wishes of most students, staff, and campus law enforcement. North Carolina lawmakers have a responsibility to keep us safe—but instead they're focused on putting more guns in our communities, including comments from North Carolina General Assembly leadership questioning whether campuses allowing guns on campus will make us safer when there is no evidence to that effect.

Make your voice heard—add your name if you agree that guns should NOT be allowed on campus>>

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