In the wake of the tragic Parkland shooting in February, the gun violence prevention movement has seen an outpouring of support. Even our Governor John Kasich — who previously earned an A rating from the NRA — publicly came out to demand policy solutions that will reduce the threat of gun violence.
Send a message today to tell your lawmakers in Columbus to support a bill package that includes a Red Flag law and domestic violence prevention which will help protect our communities from gun violence.
As your constituent, I am calling on you to support SB 288 and HB 585, a bill package that will help prevent gun violence by introducing two vital policies that have been gaining traction on both sides of the aisle:
- Red Flags: Red Flag laws empower family members and law enforcement officers to request a court order to temporarily restrict an individual's access to guns when they pose a risk to themselves or others. Red Flag laws can help curb the threat of mass shootings and gun suicides. On average, one Ohio resident dies by firearm suicide every 11 hours.
- Domestic violence prevention: The bills also seek to protect women and families from gun-related domestic violence by keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers.
SB 288 and HB 585 are just common sense. I hope you'll do what you can to get these bills through the legislature.