Everytown for Gun Safety

Tell your U.S. Senators: Co-sponsor this bill to help stop gun trafficking

The federal laws that gun dealers must follow are easily exploitable by firearms traffickers. As a result, tens of thousands of guns are trafficked across state lines every year because rogue dealers prioritize profits over safety. These guns end up in the hands of those who shouldn't have them in the first place, like criminals and domestic abusers.

With the Senate introduction of the Federal Firearm Licensee Act (FFLA), our senators have an opportunity to act to hold the gun industry accountable.

This bill helps prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands and keep our communities safe. It strengthens gun safety laws—like background checks and recordkeeping requirements—and increases regulation and oversight of the gun industry. Plus it holds bad actors in the industry accountable.

The bill raises the bar for gun dealers and protects public safety. Make sure gun dealers are required to do their part in stopping this deadly crisis. Send a message urging your senators to co-sponsor the FFLA.

Dear Senator,

As your constituent, I'm writing to ask that you co-sponsor S.4706, the Federal Firearm Licensee Act.

This is a groundbreaking gun safety bill that will help keep guns off our streets by providing law enforcement with the tools necessary to crack down on rogue gun dealers, firearms traffickers, and straw purchasers.

The laws that govern gun dealers are weak and outdated—and that's what makes them dangerous. By modernizing and strengthening the federal laws that gun dealers must follow, this legislation will ensure that gun sales are done responsibly, securely, and safely, and that the dealers who fail to do so are held accountable.

Please co-sponsor the Federal Firearm Licensee Act to make sure gun dealers are required to do their part to stop this deadly crisis.

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