Thank you for joining Students Demand Action in calling on colleges/universities to divest from the gun industry’s #KillerBusiness! Guns are the number one killer of children, teens, and college-aged youth in America. And over 40,000 people die by guns in an average year. It does not have to be this way.
The gun violence crisis costs our nation an estimated $557 billion annually - while the gun industry rakes in an estimated $9 billion each year. Gun companies have not and will not change until the havoc they’ve caused finally hits their bottom line. That’s where we come in.
Below is the list of schools with active divestment campaigns on their campus. Find your school and add your name to the campus petition demanding your school to stop investing in the gun industry.
If you do not see your school on the list and wish to start a divestment campaign on your campus sign up here.